Journey To Wellness : Experience Reiki Healing

Embark on a Reiki Healing Journey

Embarking on a Reiki healing journey is a profound exploration into the realms of energy, spirituality, and self-discovery. It’s a path that beckons you to delve into the subtle nuances of your being, seeking harmony, balance, and healing on multiple levels.

As the journey unfolds, you find yourself enveloped in a sense of profound peace and wholeness, your spirit illuminated by the radiant glow of Reiki’s healing embrace. You realize that the true essence of the journey lies not only in the destination but in the sacredness of each step, each breath, each moment of connection with the divine within and around you.

Rajani Bhargava

Spiritual Counsellor & Reiki Grand Master

Feel the gentle waves of healing energy enveloping you, inviting you to embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery and renewal. Let me be your compassionate companion as you explore the depths of wellness and vitality through the healing touch of Reiki.

Meet Mrs. Rajani Bhargava, an esteemed spiritual counselor and Reiki Grand Master, whose profound wisdom and compassionate guidance have illuminated the paths of countless souls on their journey towards inner harmony and self-realization.

About Me

Welcome to the Realm of Spiritual Enlightenment

With a deep-rooted passion for holistic healing and spiritual upliftment, Mrs. Bhargava has dedicated her life to empowering individuals to unlock their highest potential and embrace the boundless possibilities of their existence. Through the ancient art of Reiki, she channels universal life force energy to cleanse, balance, and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit, fostering a state of profound tranquility and vitality.

As a seasoned spiritual counselor, Mrs. Bhargava combines her intuitive insight with practical wisdom to offer personalized guidance tailored to each individual’s unique needs and aspirations. Whether navigating life’s challenges, seeking clarity and direction, or embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery, her nurturing presence and holistic approach provide a safe and supportive space for healing, growth, and spiritual awakening.

Driven by a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all beings and the limitless potential within each soul, Mrs. Bhargava invites you to embark on a transformative journey of self-exploration, healing, and empowerment. Together, let us awaken to the infinite possibilities that lie within and embrace the radiant light of our true essence.

Welcome to the World of Healing

The greatest wonder in the cosmos is the human body. Every human being is gifted with many powers. Our body is a most wonderful modern and airconditioned factory. It is built on strong pillars—the legs, which give it movement. Its first floor which is up to diaphragm accommodates the nutrition producing plant to throw out waste.

On the second floor there is a nonstop pump(heart) and also air controllers (lungs). The top floor is dome shaped super computer which has a very fast communication system. And all the things work automatically and in coordination. There are about 20,000 chips in this supercomputer and we hardly use 10% of the same. We need to maintain our super computer body so that it remains healthy till our last breath  and here comes the wonderful science of REIKI

Do it Yourself Therapy i.e. Self Healing teaches us how to send the life current to all parts of the body and thus prevent, diagnose and ultimately cure the body.

Reiki is an ancient technique that is used to heal both physical and emotional ailments. It is hands on healing technique which is thousands of years old.

What is the Reiki Healing Technique?

Reiki Is A Simple, Yet Very Powerful Healing Technique That Reduces Stress, Promotes Relaxation And Balance Emotions. Reiki increases your energy levels and sense of well being promoting personal growth and spiritual levels. The most important part of reiki is that it never works negative. It is a positive energy bestowed to mankind from universe.

REI—SPIRITUAL WISDOM Rei is interpreted as universal, meaning it is present everywhere. The Universe understands the cause of all problems and difficulties and knows how to heal.
KI—THE LIFE FORCE It is also called the vital force or the universal life force. This is the nonphysical energy that animates all living things. If your life force is low or if there is a blockage in its flow, you will be more prone to illnesses.

Reiki is said to use “UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY” to strengthen our immune system making it fully prepared to fight illnesses. Reiki is free of any belief system and can be mastered by anyone. It does not require any special education neither does it take lot of time to master it. Reiki can also be termed as a source of bridging the gap between you and spirituality since it helps you to connect to spiritual energy and guide you in your healing.

Interesting Reiki Facts

Give healing to someone only when one asks. We do not force healing if someone doesn’t want or resist healing

Do not give reiki where the other person does not have belief in it
If sufficient energy exchange is not there, the healee may start becoming offensive internally.
If the healee is critical towards Reiki channels, the results will not appear.
If we are Reiki healers we should not have any false ego because we are only channels.
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Experience the Wonderful Benefit of Reiki Practice

Experience the profound benefits that Reiki offers, from deep relaxation to inner peace. Enhance your well-being on all levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Join us and experience the wonder of Reiki practice today.

Root Healer

An energy that works at root level and eradicates the old diseases

Success Catalyst

Helps to achieve all your desires and goals—be it money, house, job or any goal.

Healing Opportunity

Gives you chance to help others with healing service.

Heart Serenity

It brings calmness within your heart.

Swift Mastery

It is very easy to learn and a faster way to get rid of any ailment.

Pain Relief

Get rid of any pain, suffering, diseases and medicines.

Relationship Magic

It works wonders to maintain relationships.

Personal Sovereignty

You can be master of your own destiny.

Health Guardian

Improves and maintain your health

Healing Chronic Conditions: A Patient and Worthwhile Journey

For chronic (long established) such as arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, etc. work on full pattern: Full body Reiki + chakra balancing for 21 days consecutively.
If you give 21 days consecutive healing it is very effective. At the end of 21 days a major shift takes place internally, in the auric body and in the external life situation. Sometimes the health benefits take time to heal so have patience.

In such cases the healee is not asked to discontinue any medicine he/she is taking. As the healing continues the Dr. reduces the doses of medicine and finally but slowly you get rid of it but must have faith and patience.

The Universal Appeal of Reiki

Reiki is spiritual in nature, and not limited to people practicing any specific religion. There are no rituals or belief system involved in learning and practicing Reiki for personal benefit and for the welfare of all beings around us. It is a direct conversation with Divine Energy, which is present throughout the universe in infinite forms.

Most Effective Life Applications of Reiki


Five Levels Of Progress On The Path Of Self-Healing Through Reiki.

Live a Meaningful Life

Healing Hands, Healing Hearts, Healing Lives.

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